Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Let's go to Egypt.

Before I get started I need to back up just a little bit. Let's go back 3 semesters ago. Now we are in Fall 2011. When I applied for college my major was Special Education and Deaf Education. Special Education was always put before Deaf Education. When I went to orientation I changed my major to Special Education and Dance. My first two-three months of school I prayed, asked what profession I was suppose to be in. I wanted to go into what God wanted to lead me into. Not what I wanted to do myself. I felt that God was leading me towards Deaf Education but never got a clear reading on it. One day I decided I was just going to change my major and that if he didn't like it he was just going to have to show that to me later. Apparently, I was sort of doubting my decision because when i got to the room to change my major, I stood outside the door and told God, "Now you have about 10 seconds to reveal to me that Deaf Education is not to be my major." I slowly turned the doorknob and walked into the office. The receptionist asked me what I was there for. I explained to her what I was doing, gave her my ID# and waited for her response. She asked me again what I was planning on doing, I told her "I am changing from a Special Education, and Dance major to a plain simple deaf Education major" She laughed and said, "honey, you are registered as a Deaf Education major" I simply told her that there must be a mistake. She explained to me that I was not, and I thanked her and left. It was at that moment I KNEW for a fact that Deaf Education is where I am suppose to be, then my next question was WHY? 

They say that little kids love the question WHY? But I have gotten to the point that I have loved saying it as well even as a 19 year old college student. So since then, a little over a year, I have struggled with WHY am I a Deaf Education major. God has a reason for it, and seriously, I want to know NOW! As you can see I can be a little impatient. That, I am working on. My prayer for over a year has been just that. WHY AM I A DEAF EDUCATION MAJOR?! 

A few weekends ago I went to a conference called TWMS3 (I have posted about it in a previous post). I was excited to go to TWMS but I had NO CLUE what it was going to be. I had seen a couple of promo videos, but that was it. I was not ready for what I was going to experience. From the moment you walk into the doors and leave three days later, you are completely engulfed in God and his presence. Missionaries from all over the world took time out of their missions work, and time with family to spend time with us college students, getting to know us, and our passions. It was extremely humbling to know that these missionaries were not there to be glorified themselves but instead to glorify God and get to know us personally. It was amazing. 

While being at TWMS, I was determined to figure out what it is that I am suppose to be doing in my life. What am I to do with my major? I visited a few tables, talked with many different people, and got lots of contacts. When I went to the Eurasia Experience there was something different. Something clicked that hadn't the whole time I had been there. You actually felt like you were in Eurasia, in the Arab world. It was seriously a scary place. I was thrown in jail because they didn't believe that I wasn't a missionary. The whole time I never felt frightened. I felt normal, almost as comfortable as I was at home. Again, it was something that clicked. It was at this moment that I knew what God was trying to tell me. I was meant for missions work. I was meant to work with children in other countries that wouldn't normally get an education. I have the advantage of speaking a different language to those that normally don't get reached. This is my chance to make a difference. 

Fast forward to a few days ago. I was on twitter, as usual, and came across a post by @CopticOrphans, which led me to a video and it broke my heart. Coptic Orphans is in Egypt, and I emailed them about mission opportunities for the summer. She emailed me back with more information and I have been praying about it ever since, if I am suppose to go this summer and which group I am to go with. This might just be me being excited and wanting to go to Egypt but in my math class one of the examples had India in it. (India is in the Middle East near (kind of) Egypt. Then one of the kids in the nursery today brought over a book to read to her. Out of the 50 books we have, she brought the one about moses. A tiny book. On the first page it talked about Egypt. Again, I am not sure if I am just over exaggerating, but I feel like it is a sign from God. I will be praying about it for a few more days and see if God leads me to anything else. 

If it is decided that I am going to Egypt then I will have to talk to my parents. That is the scariest part. My mom would be the easy one to talk to since she is a Christian and understands me more than my dad does. My dad is a completely different story though. That is just a hard situation for me. I know that if this is where I am suppose to go then God will work things out for my good. I am not worried about it and won't worry about it. It is all in God's hands at this moment. He has complete control over it.

What I want to ask you readers. Will you please pray with me, pray for a clear decision, pray for the words to tell my parents, pray for the funds, and means of going to Egypt. (It is not cheap) Pray for a strong heart and a willing mind. Love you guys and thank you for praying with me!

God Bless,

Ariel Vickers

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